
TRUTH Fitness & Justin Eastwood hope to educate as many people as they can about the importance of health, fitness and faith

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Build muscle, grilled chicken, and quinoa


Nutrition Profile

4 ounces skinless chicken breast: 186 calories, 4g fat, 0g carbohydrate, 35.1g protein

2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil: 240 calories, 28g healthy fat, og carbohydrate, 0g protein

1/2 cup brown rice: 109 calories, 0.8g fat, 22.9g carbohydrate, 2.3g protein

1/4 cup black bean: 57 calories, 0.2g fat, 10.2 g carbohydrate, 3.8g protein

1/4 cup yellow corn: 32 calories, 0.6g fat, 7.9g carbohydrate, 1.3g protein

1/2 cup quinoa: 111 calories, 1.8g fat, 19.7g carbohydrate, 4.1g protein

2 ounces white onion: 24 calories, 0.2g fat, 5.8 carbohydrate, 0.6g protein

4 ounces green bell pepper: 10 calories, 0g fat, 2g carbohydrate, 0g protein

8 small white mushrooms: 18 calories, 0.3g fat, 2.6 g carbohydrate, 2.5g protein

Total: 787 calories, 35.9g fat, 77.1 carbohydrate, 49.7 protein

I squeezed 1/2 of a fresh lemon on the chicken breast, and I also sprinkled a little sea salt, black pepper and italian seasonings for taste.  The other food items, including the vegetables, had small amounts of basil, oregano, and thyme.

Calories for muscle-building and weight gain

As always, please remember that body composition, weight loss and weight gain is a result of how many calories you consume versus how many calories you expend. To put on muscle mass, I recommend that you are in a surplus of calories. This is why this meal is encouraged for hard muscle gainers and athletes. 787 calories is high for most individuals but, for athletes that expend many calories or individuals looking to put on the muscle mass, the calories count is perfect.

Calories for muscle-building and weight loss

You can use this meal for weight loss as well, but you need to lower the calories. How can you lower the calories? You can do this by minimizing the amount of food in the meal by simply cutting the portions you consume. For example,  the chicken breast is 186 calories. If you cut the chicken in half, it is only 93 calories. You can cut the entire meal in half and the caloric value will drop to a managable 393.5 calories! Always keep an eye on how much cooking oil you use if you prepare meals regularly. Serving sizes in oil are measured by the tablespoon. Most people use way to much oil when they cook and this is turn allows for way too many calories. Lesson: pay attention to the amount of oil you use when you cook!

If you find this post helpful, please like it on Facebook, re-tweet via twitter or send the link www.mytruthfitness.com to your friends

Your Friend,

Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, CES, PES

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7 Tips for aging athletes

At 101 years old, Fauja Singh “The Turbaned Torpedo” is recorded as being the oldest person ever  to complete a marathon. Believe it or not, he embarked on his running career at the ripe old age of 89 years old! He started running as a way to cope with his depression that was a result of the consecutive deaths of his wife and son.  These tragedies fueled his desire to run and eventually lead him to find great joy through his participation in running. Although this video is meant to highlight his retirement from the sport of marathon running, he is not giving up running in its entirety. He plans to run at least 4 hours a day, everyday, as long as he possibly can!

Don’t be afraid to start a new physical activity, sport or hobby.  It doesn’t matter how old you are or what obstacles you face. If your dream is realistic, if it is a true passion of yours, and if you find significant purpose in the activity, go for it! Below is a list of tips to help you get started in your athletic journey.

7 Tips for aging athletes

  1. Consult your physician It’s important to meet and plan with your doctor before you start any exercise regimen. Discuss your medical history and your goals, and find out how these athletic objectives can fit into your life.
  2. Take it one step at a time- Don’t start out like a professional athlete, and be realistic in your expectations. It is important that you pace yourself. By doing so, your  body  will be physically and mentally equipped for challenges, and this will limit  injury and frustration.
  3. Eat nutritious foods- Maintain a balanced diet that consists of water, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Make sure you eat foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals and limit foods that lack these important nutrients.
  4. Sleep- Adults require 7-9 hours to sleep to take full advantage of all that sleep has to offer. If you are saying to yourself “but I have a hard time sleeping,” you might find that the activity you choose to participate in may be the answer to your sleep problems. People that take part in regular physical activity usually sleep better than those who don’t.
  5. Include rest days- Taking days off will allow your body to heal properly, provide needed energy, and repair muscle tissue from the breakdown of the activity.
  6. Beware of risks- Every sport has risks associated with them, but not all risks are created equal. For example, if you decide to ride dirt bikes, there is a high probability you will crash and fracture bones.  Reflect on what you want to participate in, determine if your desires are realistic and, once again, consult your physician to determine any possible health risks.
  7. Enjoy what you do- Time and time again I see people fall off the “workout saddle” because they don’t have passion for the activity. You will gain the most success and progress by participating in a sport you enjoy. In addition, it is more likely you will continue with the sport on a regular basis leading to consistency and ultimately long-term health.

If you find this post helpful, please like it on Facebook, re-tweet via twitter or send the link www.mytruthfitness.com to your friends

Your Friend,

Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, CES, PES

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Exercise great for moms and their babies

exercise prego

It can be challenging for women to find motivation to workout when they are pregnant. Between daily life, doctors appointments and the physical challenges that take place, such as morning sickness and swollen ankles, exercise is probably the last thing on a woman’s mind. But if a woman is able to overcome these obstacles, she will find that exercising while pregnant will be worth it for herself and her future baby. 

Benefits for mom

  • Better sleep
  • Improved energy
  • Stress reduction
  • Decreased discomfort during pregnancy
  • Better self-image
  • Lose the weight faster after giving birth

Benefits for baby

  • Improved brain function
  • Possible positive effects as the child grows


Researchers in Canada, at the University of Montreal, conclude that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, once a day, will help with the development of a newborns brain. Scientists: Prenatal Exercise May Boost Baby’s Brain


Always remember, it is important to consult with your physician prior to participating in any exercise program. Exercises that I would recommend are:

  • Flexibility training
  • Low impact aerobics
  • Low impact cardio classes
  • Low impact resistance exercises
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Yoga

The video below highlights a few useful low impact resistance training exercises:

If you find this post helpful, please like it on Facebook, re-tweet via twitter or send the link www.mytruthfitness.com to your friends

Your Friend,

Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, CES, PES

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3 Ways to Fight Breast Cancer!

2013 Breast Cancer Ride (2)

On October 12, 2013, hundreds of bicyclists set off through the High Desert roads to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer awareness month. The 25 mile course started in Victorville California, made its way to Oak Hills California, and finally ended back in Victorville. I was blessed to participate as a volunteer for the event since the fitness center I own (Anytime Fitness Oak Hills) was the turnoff point for the ride. This year marked our fourth consecutive year in helping with the event. It was our responsibility this year, as it has been the previous years, to hand out water and fruit to the bike riders. Furthermore, it has become an enjoyable perk for us to engage in conversation with the events participants. I’ve been able to meet so many interesting and wonderful people as a result of my time volunteering for the event. I’ve met people who ride for loved ones who are fighting breast cancer, and, sadly, some that ride for love ones that lost their lives to the horrible disease. I’ve even met people who have fought the disease themselves and survived! I’ve met bike riders from all walks of life including young and old participants, first time supporters, recreational riders and avid bicyclists. I’ve seen people ride mountain bikes, bmx bikes, professional road bikes, double-seated bikes, strollers attached to bikes and everything in between!

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime; but more of them are winning the fight. The statistics indicate that death rates from the disease have been dropping since 1989. That decrease is believed to be thanks to improved awareness, earlier detection, and better treatments. Events, such as this cancer ride, have been monumental in increasing awareness. Below is a list of important factors to consider when fighting the disease. The list includes these three aspects: eating the right foods, exercising and moving regularly, and volunteerism.

Eating to Fight Breast Cancer

Fiber- Research shows that woman who consume at least 30 grams of fiber a day reduce the risk of breast cancer . Fiber helps decrease the amount of estrogen that is absorbed within the body which in turn lowers the chance of breast cancer. (Examples of high fiber foods: raspberry, pear, oat meal, brown rice, split peas, lentils, black beans, raw carrot artichoke, broccoli)

Omega 3 Fatty Acids- Studies indicate that diets rich in Omega 3’s are extremely beneficial for breast health because Omega 3’s reduce inflammation in the body- inflammation encourages cancer cell growth. (Examples of foods rich with Omega 3’s: halibut, salmon, eggs, greek yogurt, flaxseed, walnuts, kale, parsley, watercress, cod liver oil)

Cruciferous Vegetables- These vegetables are cancer cell assassins! They actually target cancer cells and kill them while leaving all the other cells in your body untouched from harm. (Example of cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radish, turnip, mustard greens, brussels sprouts)

Folate- It has been found that woman with high folate levels had a lower chance of getting breast cancer than woman with low folate levels. (Example of foods that contain folate: sunflower seeds, spinach, turnip greens, collards, bean sprouts, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, asparagus)

Moving and Exercising to Fight Breast Cancer

This probably goes without saying but participation in moderate exercise is important when trying to prevent breast cancer. There is strong research indicating that regular physical activity reduces the risk of breast cancer. Moreover, woman who maintain a healthy controlled body weight and body fat percentage are less likely to get breast cancer than those who are heavier and have a higher body fat percentage.  Researchers believe cancers feed off hormones such as estrogen for growth, so it is important to control this hormone to prevent breast cancer. The good news is exercise is an excellent way to self regulate estrogen levels! How much exercise needs to be done to benefit you? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week or roughly 20 minutes a day. 20 minutes a day is definitely a sufficient amount of time to exercise as a way to fight breast cancer. Here is a short list of moderate exercises (any activity that raises the heart rate and causes you to sweat) to help fight against breast cancer:

  • Aerobic classes
  • Basketball
  • Calisthnics
  • Dancing
  • Group training classes
  • Hiking
  • Jogging
  • Martial arts
  • skating
  • Skiing
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Walking quickly
  • Weight training
  • Doing any activity you like to do at a moderate level

Volunteer to Fight Breast Cancer

Volunteering is an often overlooked way to fight anything let alone breast cancer, but I feel like this is the most important factor. A huge part of the reason I started this blog is I want to inspire in others a desire to reach out to those in need. The Bible, I believe the foremost book on giving, says it simply “let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4). I believe we can make tremendous strides in fighting breast cancer and other issues if we put are interests aside to act selflessly and occasionally volunteer for things that matter. We all get distracted doing meaningless things at times. Imagine if we traded out playing video games for volunteering at our children’s school, substitute 2 hours on Facebook with 2 hours of helping at a homeless shelter, or aligning yourself with a cause you believe in such as helping abused woman instead of watching Desperate Housewives. Through events such as the Breast Cancer Awareness Ride, it is evident that if we all pull together we can bring great awareness and ultimately huge contributions to any meaningful cause. Since breast cancer is the theme of this topic, I think it is appropriate to highlight the volunteer recommendations of The American Cancer Society (the recommendations were taken directly from http://www.cancer.org). Please visit the site for more details.

  • Reach To Recovery – If you have survived breast cancer, you can train to become a Reach To Recovery volunteer who provides education and emotional support to other women – and men – facing a breast cancer diagnosis.
  • Look Good Feel Better – This free, community-based service teaches patients beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The program is a collaboration among the American Cancer Society, the Personal Care Products Council, and the Professional Beauty Association/National Cosmetology Association
  • Road To Recovery– Volunteer drivers in this program help cancer patients get to and from treatments. Last year, the American Cancer Society matched thousands of patients with volunteer drivers who donated their time and use of their cars.

Moreover, there are many other great organizations and activities you can participate in if you want to help fight breast cancer. Do your research, and I guarantee you will find something you will enjoy participating in!

If you find this post helpful, please like it on Facebook, re-tweet via twitter or send the link www.mytruthfitness.com to your friends

God Bless,

Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, CES, PES

This post is dedicated to my friend and health enthusiast Peggy Getts. Peggy conquered breast cancer and  is now a year and a half cancer free!!!!


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Yogurt Parfait- Weight Loss Meal


Above is a picture of one of my go-to meals, a yogurt parfait of sorts. I say of sorts since I rarely throw in granola. I eat this yogurt dish because it provides me with the balance of nutrients and satiety I seek when I’m trying to lean out. Although I tagged this as a weight loss meal, you could easily switch it to a weight gain meal if you play with the portion sizes. For example, if 1/4 cup of walnuts are used, the caloric value of those walnuts is only 131 calories. On the other hand, if you want to add 1 cup of walnuts, the caloric value of the walnuts jumps all the way up to 524 Calories! That’s only counting the walnuts. Imagine if you increased the portions of all the other food items within this meal! Portion Control, portion control, portion control. It’s all about, you guessed it, portion control! Most people who want to lose weight, and don’t, significantly underestimate the calories they consume because the portion sizes are too big. Please take head to the serving sizes of the food you eat, otherwise, I guarantee you will not lose weight or body fat. Use small utensils, plates, a nutrition scale and measuring cups as tools to help regulate the amount of calories you consume.


Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt– 1 Cup= 134 Calories

Raspberries– 1/2 Cup= 32 Calories

Blackberries– 102 Cup= 31 Calories

Walnuts– 1/4 Cup= 131 Calories

Cinnamon– 1 Teaspoon= 6 Calories

Honey– 1 Tablespoon= 64 Calories

Total- 398 Calories http://www.calorieking.com

Health Benefits-

Greek Yogurt is high in protein, which helps promote fullness and lean body mass. Greek yogurt also contains probiotics (good bacteria) which help with digestion and protect against harmful bacteria.

Raspberries are high in insoluble fiber which provides a sense of fullness. Raspberries also provide half of your daily value of vitamin C.  Vitamin C aids in repairing cells of the bones, blood vessels, ligaments and skin.

Blackberries provide antioxidants (good guys) which combat against free radicals (bad guys). Free radicals (bad guys) want to destroy the body’s cells and cause things such as heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration.  Antioxidants (good guys) help protect against all these negative challenges and give us a fighting chance to be healthy!

Walnuts are significantly high in omega-3 fats. Don’t let the name fats fool you; These omega-3 fats help build cell membranes in the brain, may protect against stroke and have probable benefits for rheumatoid arthritis.

Cinnamon lessons the rise of blood sugar in the body which is great for diabetics. Its use is also helpful for those who want to regulate and stabilize their mood and energy levels.

Honey may promote relaxation and, ultimately, better sleep and reduced stress. Honey also has the potential to lower the effects of allergies.

If you find this post helpful, please like it on Facebook, re-tweet via twitter or send the link www.mytruthfitness.com to your friends

Your Friend,

Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, CES, PES


TRUTH Fitness Message

To the TRUTH Seekers,

Origins of TRUTH Fitness

As a health and fitness specialist, I have devoted my entire career in search of the truth.  I wanted to find the most effective and healthiest ways to help others attain their goals, so I filtered out the rubbish in mainstream media and simplified the facts.  The TRUTH Fitness blog is inspired by time proven methods found through honest experience, the most reputable research, and the people who live the healthiest lives in the world.  Upon following the TRUTH Fitness blog, you will learn what it takes to obtain your optimum fitness level and be as healthy as you possibly can.

TRUTH Fitness is inspired by the Truth

Truth has been a subject of discussion for thousands of years.  Its central themes have been discussed by various people, in various cultures for various reasons.  Why is this? The straightforward answer is we all want the correct facts when searching for information.  The same can be said for you, and your hope of finding solutions to your health and fitness needs.  The TRUTH Fitness blog does not offer quick fixes; the information provided requires practical implementation and a recommendation to stay consistent in your health and fitness objectives.  The information given in the TRUTH Fitness blog will be enjoyable, realistic, and simplistic!

TRUTH Fitness takes out the trash

There is so much out there concerning health and fitness information and much of the information is conflicting.  We are a society filled with health and fitness experts. These experts suggest numerous and sometimes conflicting answers for the basic questions we ask.  Personal trainers say things that differ from what the new fitness book says you should do.  Doctors of all backgrounds have different philosophies regarding health; thus, they promote different ways to attain health.  Registered dietitians were the ones leading the charge in weight management, but now hypnotherapists and psychologists are just as involved.  To make things even more confusing, the pharmaceutical and supplement industries flood our television screen and the internet with products guaranteed to solve our problems. Don’t let all this information overwhelm you, and please don’t worry.  The TRUTH Fitness blog cuts out the gimmicks and offers real solutions to the health and fitness problems facing us today. You will be provided with the most up to date, time proven techniques needed to get you to your fitness ideal.  If it is the truth you want, then TRUTH Fitness is the right place for you!  God Bless.

Your friend,

Justin Eastwood


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Simplicity & the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate

It’s my belief that simplicity is extremely important when it comes to learning and teaching. With that said, the topic of nutrition is no exception. Below is a picture of the Healthy Eating Plate that was put together by the Harvard School of Public Health. These ivy leaguers got it right when they came up with this simple illustration. As mentioned in my previous post “Eat Less, Move More,” the epidemic of obesity is a calorie issue; it is this surplus of calories (eating more than your body requires) that is causing people to be overweight and obese.  The Healthy Eating Plate provides two very useful tools in helping people limit their consumption of calories:

1)      Portion Control– It depicts an average size plate and gives a strategic visual of the foods that should be eaten and the quantity they should be eaten in. Notice, half the plate is filled with low-calorie fruits and vegetables, and the other half of the plate is filled with whole grains that provide satiety because of the high fiber content and healthy protein, which is also low-calorie.

2)      Nutrient Density– The recommended foods are all filled with vital nutrients needed by the body. The more nutrients the body intakes the less likely it is to crave more food throughout the day. Our bodies need and crave nutrients so if you satisfy that nutrient need with nutrient dense foods, you will start to see the weight drop!


The Harvard School of Public Health made their recommendations practical use not only through the plate, but through the website as well. If you visit the site you will find nutrition news, recommended recipes, study material and answers to frequently asked questions. Below is the link to their website, please take time to enjoy the information they put forth.


Justin Eastwood MAG, BS, NASM- CPT, PES, CES

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Eat Less, Move More

The simple secret of weight loss and body fat reduction is to eat less and move more. It is this fundamental equation of balancing calories that will determine your success of losing weight and even gaining weight if that is your objective. For example, eat more calories than you burn, and you will gain weight. Eat the same amount of calories as you burn, and you will maintain the same weight.  If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

This funny skit, acted by Crista Flanagan of Mad tv, spotlights some of the funny but very real ways people think about the challenges associated with achieving weight loss.  Enjoy the video, but try to pick out the significance of some of the objections she is making.  Perhaps you have friends or family that share some of the character’s beliefs or maybe you have been where this character is in her fitness journey.  Although this video is very comedic in nature, the problems we face with obesity are very serious and life threatening.  If you did not know already, obesity in the United States is considered an epidemic that is associated with more illness and deaths than any other risk factor.  The main concern is the problem of obesity has grown so much that our children may be affected worse than us.  It is projected that the children of today will be the first generation not to outlive their parents.

As you watch the video, think about the friends and family you love and how you can help them make positive lifestyle choices.  I hope you will join in the effort to address the tough challenges of obesity, because together is always how we will make great things happen!

Harms associated with Obesity

  • Cancer
  • Cellulitis
  • Chronic Renal Failure
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Gallbladder Disease
  • Gastro-esophageal Reflux
  • Gout
  • Heartburn and Acid Indigestion
  • Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Enlargement
  • Hernia
  • High Cholesterol
  • Lymph Edema
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pickwickian Syndrome
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Stroke
  • Urinary Incontinence

Definitions of obesity based on research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

“Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The terms also identify ranges of weight that have been shown to increase the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems.”-http://www.cdc.gov

Height Weight Range BMI Considered
5′ 9″ 124 lbs or less Below 18.5 Underweight
125 lbs to 168 lbs 18.5 to 24.9 Healthy weight
169 lbs to 202 lbs 25.0 to 29.9 Overweight
203 lbs or more 30 or higher Obese

“It is important to remember that although BMI correlates with the amount of body fat, BMI does not directly measure body fat. As a result, some people, such as athletes, may have a BMI that identifies them as overweight even though they do not have excess body fat. For more information about BMI, visit Body Mass Index.” –http://www.cdc.gov

What can we do?

1-    Lead by example.  We can’t expect our children to take on a healthier lifestyle until we do it ourselves.

2-    Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fewer foods high in fat and sugar.

3-    Drink more water instead of sugary drinks.

4-    Limit TV watching to less than 2 hours a day.

5-    Take daily walks or start a daily exercise regimen.

6-    Promote policies and programs at school, at work, and in the community that make the healthy choice the easy choice.

For more specific ways to fight against obesity and achieve your desired weight, stay tuned for future topics.


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No matter if you are an elite athlete that seeks development or someone who can’t seem to get through the roughest plateau, my goal is to lead you to the best physical and mental shape of your life. My passion is to serve and help others through teaching about health, fitness and faith. That is why this blog is so important to me, and why I encourage you to get involved. Your health and fitness doesn’t just influence how you live, it can also shape the way you impact the lives of the people around you. To help yourself, and most importantly, help others the best you can, you have to be physically equipped. I will offer you all I know to help you take full advantage of your physical talents and be the healthiest person you possibly can be.

Everyone has the potential to be healthier than they are now, but sometimes we don’t know how to reach that potential. You might be facing tough challenges right now, your life may be overwhelming or obstacles just seem too hard to overcome. I want to give you the tools and show you how to overcome even the toughest of obstacles. My hope is that you will be encouraged and maybe even inspired to live life to the fullest, give back to others, and maximize your God-given gifts. If you put in the effort and stick to the suggested healthy lifestyle tips, I am confident the TRUTH Fitness blog is the right  place for you.

– Justin Eastwood